

2016-12-20 阅读 :


  本次四级写作题目在形式上跟近十年的真题有所不同,没有图画、图表或引言,在题目中直接抛出话题。但从题型上看并不陌生,属于大家熟悉的开放式话题,也是课上讲过的三大主题之一 ——个人发展问题。首先,从题目中给的毕业生的两条选择, 我们先锁定主题词graduates’ options/  college students’ options。全文围绕主题词,行文框架应该是:文章开头抛出主题句,这一现象引起关注,然后一句话概括原因(由于…这种现象随处可见)。第二段,因为给出的是两个选择,我们可以用正反观点论证分别说一些人选择前者,另一些人选择后者。当然,大家应注意的是,题目要写的是你的选择并给出原因,所以正反观点各一句话概括就行,重点是给出自己的选择,并提供论据。在提供论据的时候,大家可能会因没有思路而困扰,这时就可以用上我们平时学的论证套路啦:道理讲不通例子凑,例子不够数据凑。所以在给出你的选择后,理由想不出太多就可以用调查数据支撑论点(见范文一),或者举个例子(见范文二)。
  大家可能在第一套题中遇到的困难是单词不会,导致题目看不懂,不少同学state-owned 和joint-venture不认识,导致偏题。这也再次告诉我们,词汇是基础!当然,聪明的小伙伴如果能认识其中一个,比如state-owned business(国有企业),应该能猜出来后者是跟它相对的词。这时候,你做出的选择绝对应该是你知道单词的那一个才不至于跑偏哦。
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to work in a state-owned business and the other in a joint-venture. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
  Nowadays, the issue of college students’ options after graduation has aroused much concern. The confusion upon future careers can be seen everywhere since students are faced with diverse choices after walking out of the ivory tower.
  After weighing the merits and demerits of various options, I am inclined to work in the state-owned business. For one thing, the state-owned companies often provide us with a decent pay, so that we can guarantee a relatively comfortable life. For another, the flexible schedule in the state-owned companies means more time spent with our families. Besides, according to a survey conducted by an authority, 88.7% respondents working in the state-owned enterprises have a strong sense of happiness.
  Taking the above reasons into account, I can safely come to the conclusion: the state-owned business is the preferable choice for graduates. We can maximize its advantages by working really hard to achieve our goals.


大学英语四、六级考试 --- 四级真题


