

2018-08-11 阅读 :

1. For many patients, institutional care is the most __________ and beneficial form of care.
 A) pertinent B) appropriate
 C) acute D) persistent
2. Among all the changes resulting from the ___________ entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.
 A) massive B) quantitative
 C) surplus D) formidable
3. Mr. Smith became very __________ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.
 A) ingenious B) empirical
 C) objective D) indignant
4. Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into _____________ ones.
 A) turbulent B) tragic
 C) vulnerable D) suspicious
5. The ______________ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.
 A) incompatible B) exceeding
 C) instantaneous D) eternal
6. She remains confident and ____________ untroubled by our present problems.
 A) indefinitely B) infinitely
 C) optimistically D) seemingly
7. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ___________.
 A) simultaneously B) spontaneously
 C) homogeneously D) contemporarily
8. The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the _____________.
 A) vain B) vicinity
 C) court D) jail
9. Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major ________ in every family’s budget.
 A) nutrition B) expenditure
 C) routine D) provision
10. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from _______ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.
 A) configuration B) constitution
 C) condemnation D) contamination
11. There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the _________ from fall to winter.
 A) transmission B) transformation
 C) transition D) transfer
12. I think we need to see an investment __________ before we make an expensive mistake.
 A) guide B) entrepreneur
 C) consultant D) assessor
13. The ____________ on this apartment expires in a year’s time.
 A) treaty B) lease
 C) engagement D) subsidy
14. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ___________.
 A) pensions B) earnings
 C) salaries D) donations
15. There is supposed to be a safety _______ which makes it impossible for trains to collide.
 A) appliance B) accessory
 C) machine D) mechanism
16. After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _____________.
 A) deteriorated B) dispersed
 C) dissipated D) drained
17. No one can function properly if they are ___________ of adequate sleep.
 A) deprived B) ripped
 C) stripped D) contrived
18. For years now, the people of industrialism, education has been ____________ towards producing workers.
 A) depressed B) immersed
 C) oppressed D) cursed
19. Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been ______________ towards producing workers.
 A) harnessed B) hatched
 C) motivated D) geared
20. The prospect of increased prices has already ______________ worries.
 A) provoked B) irritated
 C) inspired D) hoisted
21. The suspect ________ that he had not been in the neighborhood at the time of the crime.
 A) advocated B) alleged
 C) addressed D) announced
22. Although the colonists ____________ to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians’ influence on American culture and language was not extensive.
 A) migrated B) matched
 C) mingled D) melted
23. E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that ______________ well to human needs.
 A) adheres B) reflects
 C) conforms D) satisfies
24. The wings of the bird still _____________ after it had been shot down.
 A) slapped B) scratched
 C) flapped D) fluctuated
25. The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously _________ relations between the two countries.
 A) tumble B) jeopardize
 C) manipulate D) intimidate
26. When you put up wallpaper, should you ______ the edges or put them next to each other?
 A) coincide B) extend
 C) overlap D) collide
27. Under the present system, state enterprises must _________ all profits to the government.
 A) turn down B) turn up
 C) turn out D) turn in
28. Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being __________.
 A) laid out B) laid off
 C) laid down D) laid aside
29. We’ll ____________ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.
 A) compensate B) remedy
 C) supplement D) retrieve
30. She cut her hair short and tried to _____________ herself as a man.
 A) decorate B) disguise
 C) fabricate D) fake

1. [译文]对许多病人来说,医院的正规护理是一种最合适、最有益的护理方式。答案为B 本题测试形容词语义理解,其中A和C又有近形干扰。A) pestinent 相关的(=relevant);B)oppropriate 合适的,恰当的;C)persistant 坚持不懈的,作用持久的;D)acute尖锐的、敏锐的;剧烈的(疼痛)。
2.[译文]在妇女大规模进入劳动大军所引起的变化中,发生在妇女自己身上的变化绝不是不重要的。答案为A 本题测试,形容词与名词的语义搭配。A)大规模的,大量的;B)量方面的(与qualitative 相对);C)surplus过剩的;D) formidable可怕的,令人生畏的。
3.[译文] 史密斯先生在有人暗示他犯了错误时变得非常生气。答案为D 本题测试:形容词语义理解。A) ingenious 机灵的;B)empirical经验主义的,凭经验办事的;C)objective客观的(与subject 相对);D)indignant生气的,愤怒的。
4.[译文]遥言四起,它传播恐惧、破坏声誉、把平静的环境搅得鸡犬不宁。答案为A 本题测试:形容词上下文语义理解,答案与句中calm一词呼应。A)turbulant动荡的,混乱的;B)tragic悲剧的,悲惨的;C)vulnerable脆弱的,易受影响的;D)suspicious疑神疑鬼的。
5.[译文]生与死这一永恒的周期循环是科学家和哲学都感举的课题。答案为D 本题测试:形容词语义及与名词的语义搭配。A)incompatible不兼容的,不共戴天的;B)exceeding超越的,极度的(←exceed);C) instantaneous瞬间的,即刻的;D) eternal永恒的,无休止的。
6.[译文]他们仍充满着信心,乐观而不为目前的麻烦所烦恼。答案为C 本题测试:副词语义及语义搭配干扰。本题中的D) seemingly(表面上,看来)也可与untrouble搭配,易选错,但决定本题答案的是上文的“remains confident”;A) indefinitely不确定的,不明确的,无定期地;B)infinitely无限地,无穷地;C)optimistically乐观地,抱乐观态度地。
7.[译文]光导纤维电缆可同时传输数百门电话的交谈信号。答案为A 本题测试:副词语义理解及词义相关干扰。A)simultaneously同时地;B)spontaneously自发地,自然地;C)homogeneously同类地,同质地;D)contemporarily同时代地,当代地。
8.[译文] 警察得到报警:逃犯可能就在附近。答案为B 本题测试:名词上下文理解衣六级短评in the vacinity (= in the neighborhood 在附近)。A) in vain徒劳地;C)in the court 在法庭上;D) in the jail在监获。
9.[译文] 不管你是为了吃而活,还是为了活而吃,食物都是每一家庭瞀中的一笔主要开支。答案为B 本题测试:名词语义上下文理解。A)nutrition营养;B)expenditure开支;C)routine惯常程序、做法;D)provision条款、给养。
10.[译文] 最近《科学》杂志上有一篇论文提出岩石中的有机物来自于地球本身的结构成分而非火星细菌。答案为B 本题测试:名词近形干扰及近义辨别。除了四个选项均以con-开头、-tion结尾这一近形特点外,A与B的词义比较接近,容易混淆:A)configuration表示构成的方式,即“构造、配置、地形”等;B)constitution表示结构、构成、组成,侧重“组成成分”,当是本题中可与“bacteria...Mars”对应的一个选项。C)condemnation遣责、判刑;D)contamination污染、弄脏。
11.[译文] 在季节变化中有许多令我欣赏的东西,而我最喜欢的时节是秋冬过渡时期。答案为C 本题测试:名词近形(“trans-”)及语义相关(“转变”)的干扰。A)transmission传播,发射;B)transformation变化,改造;C)transition过渡,转变;D)transfer 转移,调动,转变,转让。
12.[译文]我觉得我们在可能犯下代价沉重的大错之前应及时找一下投资顾问。答案为C 本题测试:名词语义理解搭配――(investment)consultant投资顾问。A)guide导游,向导;B)enterpreneur企业家;D)assessor评估者,评价者。
13.[译文] 这一公寓的租契将于一年内到期。答案为B 本题测试:史词语义(主谓搭配)及介词搭配。A)treaty条约;B)lease租契、租约,常与介词on 连用;C)engagement婚约、约请,约会;D)subsidy津贴|补助金,常与介词for 连用,如a ~ for education教育津贴。
14.[译文] 上了年纪的俄罗斯公民觉得仅靠国家支付给他们的养老金生活很艰难。答案为A 本题测试:名词语义上下文理解及相关词义干扰。根据主语the elderly Russians,可确定是以pension(政府养老金)为生了。B)earnings收益,工资;C)salaries薪水;D)donations捐赠,捐款。
15.[译文] 应该有一种使火车不可能相撞的安全装置。答案为D 本题测试:名词语义上下文理解搭配及语义相关干扰。A)appliance 器具,电器,(独立而能单独使用的)小装置;B)accessory附件,配件,饰品;C)machince机器;D)machanism(复杂的、作为大机器上一部分的)装置,机械装置,如:the braek~ 刹车装置。
16.[译文] 在同一个岗位上干了四年后,他的热情最终慢慢枯竭了。答案为D 本题测试:动词词义动词与名词的语义搭配及近义干扰。本题除A)deteriorate(使)恶化、变坏外,其余三个选项词义相近,易混淆;B)disperse(使人群、云等)向四周消散,散开,消失;C)dissipate挥霍浪费,驱散(乌云等);D)drain(使)干涸,(使热情、勇气、资源等)渐渐枯竭,减少,消失。
17.[译文] 如果被剥夺了充足的睡眠,谁的身体都无法正常运转。答案为A 本题测试:动词近形近义干扰。选项A与D、B与C组成两对近形干扰;A与C为近义干扰,A)deprive 和C)strip均有“剥夺”之意,A)deprive表示对“人之基本需求”的剥夺,C)strip则侧重“强行、彻底”,且作为“惩罚”的一种剥夺,本题假设对人之基本睡眠的剥夺,故选A较妥。B)rip扯破,撕坏;D)contrive设法做到,谋划。
18.[译文] 多少年来,那个遥远国家的人民一直遭受着一个独裁者的压迫。答案为C 本题测试;动词语义及近形干扰。A)depress(精神上)压抑,使沮丧,使(经济)不景气;C)oppress(政治上)压迫;B) immerse使沉浸(在),使专心(于);D)curse诅咒。
19.[译文]从工业兴起以来,教育就一直以培养生产劳动者为方向。答案为D 本题测试:动词语义理解及动词与介词的搭配。A)harness 治理,利用;B)hatch 孵化,策划;C)motivate 驱使,动:~ sb. to do sth.; D)gear调整(安排,组织)以适应/合:~ sb. / sth. to / towards。
20.[译文] 物价上涨的预期早已引起了人们的担忧。答案为A 本题测试:动词词义及动宾语义搭配。A)provoke引起,激起;B)iritate 激怒,使生气:~ sb.; C) inspire鼓舞,赋予灵感:~ sb.; D) hoist举起、升起、吊起(具体物品)。
21.[译文] 那个犯罪嫌疑人声称,案发当时他不在附近。答案为B 本题测试:动词词义及动词名型。本题中能后接that 从句的动词有B)allege声称和D)announce 通知,根据主语suspect(嫌犯)即可知B为答案。A)advocate倡导、支持:~ sth.;C)address向…致词:~ a meeting/a group of people, etc. 在…上讲话。
22.[译文] 虽说在一定程度上殖民者已与土著美洲人混在一起,印第安人对美国文化及语言的影响还是很有限的。答案为C 本题测试:动词词义及动词与介词的搭配。A)migrate移徙,移居:~ to a place; B)match 与…相匹配:~ sb./sth. for ...;C)mingle混合,溶入:~ with/in;D) melt溶化,溶解。
23.[译文] 电子邮件是一种非常适合人类需求的、方便、随意而高度民主的信息传递媒介。答案为C 本题测试:动词词义及动词与介词的搭配。A)adhere (to) 坚持,遵守;B)reflect反映,反射;C)conform (to) 遵守、符合、适应;D)satisfy满足。
24.[译文] 鸟的翅膀在它被击落后仍在拍动。答案为C 本题测试:动词词义及近形干扰。A)slap掴,拍涂抹;B)scratch抓,抓伤;C)flap (翅翼)拍打,摆动(同 flutter);D)fluctuate(使)波动,起伏。
25.[译文] 就贸易限制的分歧可能会严惩危及两国间的关系。答案为B 本题测试:动词语义上下文理解。A)tumble跌倒,暴跌,不由自主地卷入;B)jeopardize危及,损害(jeopard危险+ize = endanger);C)操作,操纵,控制;D)intimidate恐吓,(对人)威胁(←timid)。
26.[译文] 贴墙纸时,是将边相互搭叠呢还是缝对缝挨着?答案为C 本题测试:动词词义上下文理解及近义干扰、近形干扰。决定本题答案为C)over lap“(部分)互相搭叠,交接、重叠”的是后面与之对应的put the next toeach sther不定式短语。A)coincide(事件等)巧合,位置重合,(几乎全部地)重叠,与overlap之区别在于“重叠”部分的多少;B)展开,使延伸,扩展;D)collide与A)构成近形干扰,指车辆等的“相撞”。
27、[译文]在现行体制中,国有企业必须将所有利润上缴政府。答案为C)本题测试:短语动词辨异。A)turen down拒绝,(声音等)关小,(经济)萧条;B)turn up出现,露面,开大(声音等);C)turn out生产,关掉(声音等),结果证明是,赶走,解雇;D)turn in上缴,交出,出卖,告发,拐人。
28、[译文]美国的石油公司早已感受到这种压力,有些炼油工人及制造石油设备的工作开始下岗。答案为B)本题测试:短语动词辨异。A)lay out陈列,布置,设计布局;B)lay off使下岗,(暂时)解聘,搁在一边;C)lay down放下,放弃,铺设,制订;D)lay aside搁置(一边),积攒。
29、[译文]我们会对居住期间对你房子所遭到的破坏进行补偿的。答案为A)本题测试:动词句型及相关词义干扰。A)compensate补偿,赔偿:~ sb. for damage/losses, etc.; B)remedy补救,纠正(错误、欠缺等);C)supplement补充(数量之不足),增补;D)retrieve检索,挽回(损失, ~ one's losses),补救。
30、[译文]她剪成短发,试图把自己伪装成一个男子。答案为B)本题测试:动词相关语义相扰及动词句型。A)decorate装饰;B)disguise伪装,假扮成 ~ sb. as sb.else;C)fabricate捏造,伪造(故事、借口等);D)fake仿造,伪造(笔迹,假币等)。


