

2018-08-11 阅读 :

1.Starting with the ________ that there is life on the planet Mars,the scientist went on to develop his argument.
A)premiseB)pretext C)foundationD)presentation

2.After several nuclear disasters,a has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.
A)quarrelB)suspicion C)verdictD)controversy

3.Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their ________ for world conquest.
A)admirationB)ambition C)administration D)orientation

4.The director gave me his ________ that he would double my pay if I did my job well.
A)warrantB)obligation C)assuranceD)certainty

5.The Christmas tree was decorated with shining ________ such as colored lights and glass balls.
A)ornamentsB)luxuries C)exhibitsD)complements

6.The two most important ________ in making a cake are flour and sugar.
A)elementsB)components C)ingredientsD)constituents

7.Cultural ________ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another.
A)translationB)transition C)transmission D)transaction

8.We must look beyond ____ and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.
A)justificationsB)illusions C)manifestationsD)specifications

9.No one imagined that the apparently businessman was really a criminal.
A)respectiveB)respectable C)respectfulD)realistic

10.If nothing is done to protect the environment,millions of species that are alive today will have become ________ .
A)deterioratedB)degenerated C)suppressedD)extinct

11.The ________ of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe.
A)essenceB)content C)texture D)threshold

12.The old lady has developed a cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.
A)perpetual B)permanent C)chronicD)sustained

13.What the correspondent sent us is an _______ news report.
We can depend on it.
A)evident B)authentic C)ultimate D)immediate

14.Having had her as a professor and adviser,I can tell you that she is an ________ force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations.
A)inspirationalB)educational C)excessive D)instantaneous

15.Some researchers feel that certain people have       nervous systems particularly to hot,dry winds.They are what we call weather sensitive people.
A)subjective B)subordinate C)liable D)vulnerable

16.Hurricanes are killer winds,and their power lies in the physical dam age they can do.
A)cumulative B)destructive C)turbulent D)prevalent

17.In some countries,students are expected to be quiet and ________ in the classroom .
A)skepticalB)faithful C)obedient  D)subsidiary

18.In spite of the ____ economic forecasts,manufacturing output has risen slightly.
A)gloomy B)miserable C)shadowyD)obscure

19.Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in pre- literate societies in order to attract good health or to ________ disease.
A)set asideB)ward off C)shrug off D)give away

20.The international situation has been growing ____difficult for the last few years.
A)invariably B)presum ably C)increasinglyD)dominantly

21.The prisoner was ____ of his civil liberty for three years.
A)dischargedB)derived C)deprived D)dispatched

22.Small farms and the lack of modern technology have ____ agricultural production.
A)blundered B)tangled C)bewilderedD)hampered

23.The Japanese scientists have found that scents ________efficiency and reduce stress among office workers.
A)enhanceB)amplify C)fosterD)magnify

24.All the students have to ________ to the rules and regulations of the school.
A)confirmB)confront C)confineD)conform

25.He ________ his head,wondering how to solve the problem.
A)scrappedB)screwed C)scrapedD)scratched

26.As soon as the boy was able to earn his own living he ________ his parents' strict rules.
A)defiedB)refuted C)excludedD)vetoed

27.The helicopter ________ a light plane and both pilots were killed.
A)coincided with B)stumbled on  C)tumbled toD)collided with

28.To ________ is to save and protect,to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.
A)conserveB)conceive C)convertD)contrive

29.Put on dark glasses or the sun will you and you won't be________ able to see.
A)discernB)distort C)distract D)dazzle

30.In ________ times human beings did not travel for pleasure but to find a more favorable climate.
A)primeB)primitive C)primaryD)preliminary



1.答案为A)。premise意为“前提”,句意为:以火星有生命这一前提开始,那位科学家继续深入他的论证。其他三个选项的意思是:B)pretext借口;C) foundation基础;D)presentation陈述。


3.答案为B)。ambition意为“野心”,句意为:他们的外交原则彻底将他们要征服世界的野心暴露无遗。其他三个名词的意思是:A)admiration赞美;C) administration行政,管理;D)orientation方向,方位。

4.答案为C)。assurance意为“保证,担保”,句意为:主任向我保证,如果我把工作做好,他会给我双倍的工资。其他三个名词的意思是:A)warrant作名词意为“证明,凭证”,作动词有“保证,担保”的意思。B) obligation义务;D)certainty肯定。



7.答案为C)。这是四个都含有前缀trans-的名词的辨析。A)translation翻译;B)transition转换;C) transmission传播;D)transaction交易。C)符合题意要求。句意为:文化传播表明人类把他们的语言从上一代传给下一代。


9.答案为B)。选项中三个形容词都有同一根词respect,特别注意它们意义的差别。A)respective分别的,各自的;B)respectable可敬的,值得尊敬;C)re- spectful尊重人的,有礼貌的;D)realistic现实(主义)的。选项B)符合题意。句意为:没有人会想象到,那个外表可敬的商人实际上是个罪犯。

10.答案为D)。选项中四个形容词,有三个是由动词的过去分词转化而来。其意义分别是:A)de- teriorated退化的,恶化的;B)degenerated堕落的;C) suppressed压抑的;D)extinct灭绝的。D)extinct符合题意要求。句意为:如果不采取措施保护环境,数以百万计现在活着的物种就会灭绝。

11.答案为A)。essence意为“本质,精髓”,句意为:科学态度的本质是人类的意识能成功地理解宇宙。其他三个名词的意义是:B)content内容;C)tex- ture结构;D)threshold入口,门槛。


13.答案为B)。authentic意为“真实的,可靠的”,句意为:通讯员发给我们的是一件真实的新闻报道,我们可以相信它。其他三个形容词的意思是:A) evident明显的;C)ultimate最后的,最终的;D)imme- diate紧急的,立即的。

优于他们自己的期望。其它三个形容词的意思是:B) educational教育的;C)excessive过分的;D)instantaneous即刻的,瞬间的。



17.答案为C)。obedient的意思是“顺从的,规矩的”,句意为:在一些国家,要求学生在教室要保持安静并循规蹈矩。另外三个形容词的意义为:A) skeptical怀疑的;B)faithful忠诚的;D)subsidiary辅助的。

18.答案为A)。gloomy的意思为“令人沮丧的”,句意为:尽管经济预测令人沮丧,但制造业的产量却稍有增加。其它三个形容词的意思是:B)miser- able悲惨的;C)shadowy有阴影的;D)obscure模糊的,暗的。

19.答案为B)。本题要求辨析四个动词短语。A)set aside不顾,置于一旁;B)ward off避开;C)shrug off不理,一笑置之;D)give away赠予,发出。选项B)符合句意要求。句意为:文身或文面多为尚无文字社会的人用来追求身体健康或避免疾博


21.答案为C)。deprive意为“剥夺”,常与of搭配,句意为:囚犯被剥夺三年的公民自由权。A)dis- charge意为“指控”,常与with搭配,discharge...with意思是“指控某人犯……罪”;B)derive意为“来自,起源”,常与from搭配;D)dispatch意为“派遣”。


23.答案为A)。四个动词的意思分别是:A)en- hance增强,提高;B)amplify放大,增强;C)foster鼓励;D)magnify放大,扩大。句意为:日本科学家发现,香味能提高办公室人员的工作效率,并能减轻他们的压力。




27.答案为D)。本题是动词短语辨析。四个动词短语的意义分别是:A)coincide with与……同时发生,与……相符合;B)stumble on偶尔遇到;C)tumble to恍然大悟;D)collide with与……碰撞。选项D)符合题意。句意为:那架直升飞机与一架轻型飞机相撞,两个飞行员都遇难了。

28.答案为A)。选项中四个动词的意义分别是:A)conserve保藏,保存;B)conceive想象;怀孕;C) convert转换;D)contrive发明,设计。句意为:保存就是留下来并保护起来,使我们自己享用的东西保持完好,让别人也可分享。

29.答案为D)。dazzle意为“使人眩晕,眼花”,句意为:戴上墨镜,不然太阳会使你眼花,看不见东西。其它三个动词的意思是:A)discern辨认,识别;B) distort扭曲,歪曲;C)distract分散,分心。

30.答案为B)。primitive意为“原始的”,句意为:在原始时代,人类旅行不是为了找乐趣,而是寻找更有利的气候。其它三个形容词的意思是,A) prime首要的;C)primary最初的;D)preliminary开端的,最初的。


